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Rajeshwari G. Konnur

Dr. Sakpal Hoovanna


The socio-economic-status varies from society to society according to the social values held by that society. And hence the definition of socio-economic- status is specific to a society. Socio- economic-status includes the twin concept of social class and economic background. Social class in a developing country like India is an exclusive concept and determining factor of socio-economic-statusA sport is a part of basic human behavior and is among the effective means of socialization of means. Sports and games are pervasive forces that have permeated in our culture. They are basic institutions in the social fabric are cultural universal for all people regardless of race, creed, geography or politics. Socioeconomic status refers to social and economic standing of a person in his society. Socioeconomic condition means it includes with social and economic achievements of an individual or group in society. Family is considered as a cultivating, nurturing and fostering process, dealing with the overall development of the individual. Sports and games are integral part of the human life. Along with entertainment it has also helped to shape the personalities of the sports person having provided with physical fitness and mental soundness. Sports are an institutionalized competitive activity, which has its own traditions and values normal reflects the pattern in society at large.


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