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Miss. Sowbhagya B. S.


Nutrition requirements of sports persons are different than that of normal people. In most cases nutrition of the sports persons depends on the type of sport they are involved in. each sport has uses different parts of the body and requires different levels of physical fitness and energy requirement. This is reason why sports nutrition is a science which requires proper study based on scientifically collected data. Most of the sports persons have sports nutritionists who guide sports persons what are the immediate foods they should have after exercising as well as after their sports events. These foods generally are aimed at replenishing the lost energy to muscles. Most of the times the above are carbohydrate foods which are absorbed immediately by the body and the body can maintain its energy levels. Sports nutritionists are available to guide all sports persons to educate them regarding what they should eat so that they can enhance their performance as well as maintain require fitness level. The sportsman eats partly to satisfy the sense of taste but manly production of energy required to carry out various activities. Indeed it is energy that rotates the wheel of life. The food that generates energy upon complete oxidization is in the form of carbohydrates, proteins and fats. Of course the diets must be supplemented with more energy for the sport man so his/her diet must compose more energetically and nutritious food as a sportsman ship required. Finally we conclude that the sum of progresses by which a sportsman takes in food substance and utilizes them with clear cut differences between catabolic and anabolic processes which take place in individual bodies.


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