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Dr. Jose Mathew

Mrs. Anju Jose

Dr. R. Srinivasa


A complete mental and physical preparation is the result of sacrifice and self-discipline. It is easy to be average, but tough to be the best. Sporting arena at present acknowledges and appreciates sportspersons who can consistently exhibit superior performance, who is focused to be at his/her best and emerge successful. In sport it is widely acknowledged that a group of individuals working well together is significantly more effective than a group of individuals working independently of one another. Cristiano Ronaldo and Gareth Bale may be about to do great work when running with the ball for Real Madrid and score some pretty amazing goals however in the interest of team success the whole of the team needs to do their jobs at the height of their abilities to ensure success. Tuckman's Stages of Group Development (1965) Forming, Storming, Norming, and Performing. It's always going to be challenging to take into account why people are attracted to team scenarios. Some find a sense of achievement whilst many individuals can be socially attracted to groups and therefore the sport is not one of the most important factor in their participation. There are a large number of factors which function as determinants of sports team cohesion. One way of defining these is to break them down into personal, team, leadership and environmental factors associated with being a member of a team and their subsequent consequences.


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