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Dileep Kumar S. U.

Dr. Shoba A.


Aquatic sports are gaining a lot of popularity and are undisputedly one of the best sportingevent. The major form activities indulged in these facilities health, recreation, competition, and therapy.The main component of these structure is water and water as such is a natural compound found throughvarious sources. Water obtained from these source cannot be taken for granted and with heighteninglevel of pollution. Maintenance of water is the major challenge for which one has to pay a lot of attention.This paper is designed with the objective of bringing forth all essential concepts related to water whichnot only a swimmer, coach, a physical education teacher or management of the facility shouldunderstand but also any layman who wants to enter the water in these facilities should have theknowledge of the same.FRAME WORK OF THE PAPER: Various components of water to be maintained. Effect of variations in phvalue of water. Factors influencing ph value. Testing and measuring ph value. Measures to regulate the ph value. Diseases associated with aquaticsMaintenance of P H value in any aquatic facility is a major challenge for any facilitator, but if notmaintained correctly it may lead to many infectious diseases health issues and hampered performancesince the people who use these facilities are the one who suffer if water is not maintained. Hence theyhave to be educated and enlightened in this regard.


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