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Raj Kumar


The present study was carried out on male Indian footballers of six different national clubs of India. The players were also sub-divided according to their specific field positions. Physical and physiological profiles including height, weight, percentage body fat (%BF), flexibility, agility, explosive power, and VO2 max were measured by standard procedures. It was noted that the mean values of age, height, weight and %BF were significantly different among footballers of different national clubs. Among the motor ability and physiological qualities only flexibility, agility and VO2 max were significantly different among the footballers of different national clubs It was also observed that the mean values of height, weight, vertical jump and VO2 max of Indian national club players were found to be inferior to those of European, American and Australian footballers. So, it can be concluded that the differences among the footballers of present study with their international counterparts and specific playing position is probably the cause of hereditary factors and differences in activity in the game. Football is probably the most popular game worldwide but there is still limited scientific information available concerning the physique and performance qualities of elite Indian footballers. Team games are sports where size, shape, body composition and fitness all play an important part in providing distinct advantages for specific playing positions. Hence an attempt has been made to study the various anthropometric parameters, of the different Indian national club footballers and also to compare the above parameters with their international counterparts.


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