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Dr. Shailesh Kumar Singh


The purpose of the study was to compare the personality traits of Handball players at different level of participation. To serve the purpose of study, total of 70 male Handball players were selected 35 each from University and National level. Subjects were randomly selected at Senior National and All India inter university handball tournaments. B.F.I Questionnaire developed by Goldberg (1992) was used an instrument for measuring five personality factors. The statistical technique applied in order to examine the hypothesis of the study was, “independent t-test”, SPSS 20 version was also used and level of significance was set at 0.05. The results indicated that there was no significant difference at both university and national level handball players. It could be attributed that mastery over the skill at both level (University and National) could have been of same level to draw any conclusion. However, results indicate that there was no significant difference at National and University level.


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