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Bipin Babu Singh


Sport as a movement offers a chance of self-learning, self-expression, and satisfaction individual accomplishment, skill acquisition and show of capacity social communication, delight. It advances association, combination and obligation in the public eye and adds to the improvement of society, particularly when sports exercises have been acknowledged as a vital piece of the way of life of each general public in each nation. The reason for the examination was to analysis the Psychological differentials among men Football, Hockey and Cricket Players. To accomplish this reason for the examination ninety (N=90) men players were chosen. Among them, thirty (n=30) Football players, thirty (n=30) Hockey players and thirty (n=30) Cricket players Aggression, Self-Esteem and Social Adjustment were chosen as model factors. The data gathered from the three gatherings was measurably examined by utilizing Analysis of variance (ANOVA). Scheffe's post hoc test was connected to decide the significant difference between the paired means. In every one of the cases 0.05 dimension of confidence was settled significance was settled. The consequences of the examination demonstrated that there was a significant difference among Football, Hockey and Cricket Players.


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