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Sathish B. P.


Yoga is a profound, holistic human science, that encompasses all facets of philosophy, psychology practicality of conscious creation simultaneously. This knowledge acquired by an intense, systematic introverted study into human mind functioning has been passed over thousands of years from master to disciple. This study explored various methods features of science and finds that they all have yoga parallels. In support of the science of yoga with example from different scriptures, views of prominent medical scientists and Yogis are cited. The tools technology of yoga and essential aspects of yoga integration modern scientific medicine are explored. A two-way fusion of modern experimental science with the experiential models of Yoga will lead to many answers to the problems facing modern humankind, such as weaker chronic diseases associated with ageing, climate and hedonistic lifestyles. The basis for the fusion of different alternative therapeutic practices, including Yoga, are the modern medical advances that encourage healing, wellness longevity. The advances in medicine imperatively include Yoga's wholistic approach to the emerging health care challenges. In order to enhance quality of life around the world, the antiquity of Yoga must be joined by advances in modern medicine.


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