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Dr. Archana Sawshilya


Digital policies are guidance statements to specify what an organisation must and must not do. They are the guardians of an organisation to put in place its managements and ensuring its day to day operation online and from going off the road. In today’s world, Digital Governance is the need of the time to minimize delays, redtapism, unaccountability of an organisation and its decision making AuthorityInnovations and technology are considered to be enabling factors for promoting governmental effectiveness and promptness to bring about desirable change in day to day administrative practices and behaviour leading towards good governance. Few factors shape digital governance framework design process such as corporate governance dynamics market specific and geography and Organizational cultureTechnology ensures efficiency and effectiveness but following it blindly can become counter-productive. Every organisation has different levels of maturity for different-aspects of the organisation such as-for team structure, digital strategy, digital policy and digital standards. Lipstick on pig-Digital governance can be bad too .To realize the substance of organisational strategies, policies, and Objectives we need to create real online value of the organisation Importance of Digital Team for digital governance


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