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Dr. Satyendra Nath Mishra


The study was conducted to compare the mental toughness of male and female players of Kanpur District. For this purpose of study 30 male players and 30 female players of Kanpur District, who have participated at Nationals (open or school) and Inter-University were randomly selected to serve as subjects. Mental Toughness Questionnaire prepared by Allen Goldberg was administered for the collection of data. This questionnaire was comprised of 60 statements based on handling pressure (20 questions), concentration (17 questions), mental rebounding (14 questions) and winning attitude (9 questions). Each statement has two possible responses i.e. true or false. As statistical tool, t-test was employed to analyze of data.After analyzing the data, the results of the study showed that there was statistically significant difference in mental toughness between male and female players of Kanpur District. Results also depicted that the mean mental toughness of the male players was significantly higher than the mean mental toughness of the female players.


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