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Dr. Pushpendra Purashwani


This study was conducted to find out the impact of motivation on the table tennis performance of male physical education students learning table tennis in the activity classes at L.N.I.P.E., Gwalior. Motivational techniques used were extrinsic reward, social reinforcement by the coach, goal setting and competition. Fifty (50) male students of L.N.I.P.E attending regular activity classes of table tennis, belonging to the 18 to 23 years age, were selected as subjects for this study.The subjects were distributed into two equal groups in experimental and control groups and performance was taken in initial testing. Along with regular table tennis training, the experimental group was also given motivation where as the control group only received table tennis training. Table Tennis Skill Test developed by Pushpendra Purashwani was chosen as criterion measures to assess the table tennis performance. For the purpose of comparing the performance means of motivational group with non motivational group in this study t-ratio was made as an overall test of significance. The t-test was employed for testing the significance at .05 level of confidence.Analysis of data revealed that there was significant difference at .05 levels between the pre and post –test scores of experimental group (8.14) and control group (4.79). Further it also showed that the post test score of experimental group and control group differ significantly.


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