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Dr. Preeti Sharma

Dr. Rajender Singh


The primary purpose of the study was to find out whether the degree of lordosis is equal in all the selected regions of Madhya Pradesh irrespective of the different gender. Purpose of the research was to study the association of gender and region with the status of lordosis. A total of 500 school children in the age range of 10-15 were selected from the four districts (Bhind, Bhopal, Morar and Shivpuri) of Madhya Pradesh. Lordosis was measured by measuring the angles of thoracic curve with the help of a flexicurve ruler. Anyone who was having 45 or more than 45 degree was kept into the category of lordotic. The data was analyzed by employing descriptive statistics, chi square. The level of significance was set at .05.Results of the study revealed that 43 percent of school children in different regions of Madhya Pradesh were suffering from lordosis. The results revealed that Shivpuri region has the highest percentage of lordosis followed by Morar (43.2), Bhopal (38.4) and Bhind (38.4).The data was further analyzed by employing Chi Square analyses and results showed a significant association between gender and the status of lordosis among the school children of Madhya Pradesh as the calculated chi square (X2) = 5.029 is higher than the tabulated value of chi square (X20.05 (1) = 3.84). Results also revealed a very marginal association between the status of lordosis and different regions of Madhya Pradesh, as the calculated chi square (X2) = 7.84 is higher than the tabulated value of chi square (X20.05 (3) = 7.82). Based on the results it can be concluded and suggested that there is a high need of awareness program in various parts of Madhya Pradesh regarding lordosis and its remedial measures.


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