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Dr. Praveen Kr. Singh


Madhya Pradesh is a state in which lot of priority is given towards games and sports. As the people of Madhya Pradesh love games and sports they motivate them to participate in number of games and sports. There are lots of personalities dedicated to games and sports in Madhya Pradesh. There is a long line up of National and International players coming from Madhya Pradesh state.The purpose of the study was to find out the family status of the state level volleyball players of Madhya Pradesh state. One hundred male subjects were selected from different districts of Madhya Pradesh. Only those subjects were selected who had participated in the state volleyball championship during the past ten years. Standardized questionnaire constructed by Dr. S.B. Kakkar was employed. Chi square test was applied for data analysis and the level of significance was fixed at 0.05 level. It was concluded that most of the parents of Volleyball players of Madhya Pradesh are literate and have minimum qualification up to matriculation. Only few parents have qualification up to graduation. Most of the fathers of volleyball players of Madhya Pradesh are employed but at the same time most of the player's mothers are found to be housewives. Most of the Parent's income seems to be low. Most of the Parents of volleyball players of Madhya Pradesh gave their own house. Most of the parents of volleyball players of Madhya Pradesh have their own properties. Most of the parents of volleyball players of Madhya Pradesh of have minimum basic facilities at home.


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