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Arpan Adak

Dr. Papan Mondal


Introduction In the cricket bowling, batting and fielding three different skills are there, and most of the biomechanical researches have focused on about bowlers and batsman’s related skills. In practice players will undergo specialized batting skill and bowling skill training but fielding is not always afforded the same degree of attention, that’s why the researcher chosen fielding (different distance throwing technique short long distance) related cricket research.Methodology For this study five male cricketer of University level with no severe previous injury were selected as the subject, age ranging from 20 to 25 years. The ball throwing actions of different distance throwing techniques (SDT LDT) in cricket fielding were recorded by two fixed video camera. The captured movement was then transferred from the camera to the PC and with the help of appropriate software (Motion Analysis Software KINOVEA 0.8.24), the motion of throwing for all subject was analyzed separately for collecting the required data for the present study. Descriptive statistics and dependent, t‟- test were applied to analyze the data statistically.Results and Discussion The result of the study shows that, the average release angle (SDT-35.80±4.30degree, LDT-20.40±7.73degree), average approach speed (SDT-11.61±1.14 kmh, LDT-10.17±1.12 kmh), mean hip joint angle in left sagittal plane (SDT-143.67±11.1degree, LDT-133.27±15.14 degree) were significantly differ for SDT and LDT throwing techniques.Conclusions From the study it may be concluded that the different distance throwing skills in cricket fielding mechanically vary in some extent.


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