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Dr. Archana Sawshilya


Schooling today does not mean learning. Schooling without learning is wastage of time, energy and opportunities. Education is expected to equip and students to learn skills to lead a healthy and productive employable life in future. Indian education today is undergoing deep crisis, crisis of teaching and learning. Their reading and writing skills, memorizing techniques, high marks scored in Boards Exams add nothing to the values in their lives. Many factors undermine their learning capabilities and adversely affect students' cognitive skills. However not only students rather the entire management, teacher and learning methodologies are to be blamed. Government initiatives of Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan, Mid-Day Meal, may increase the number of enrollment of students in the schools, but cannot help much in increasing learning abilities. Civil society, Teachers, parents and other educators do need to play a meaningful role in it.


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