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Tejinder Singh


The purpose of the study was to construct and standardize the specific physical fitness test battery for college level Circle Style male Kabaddi Players. The descriptive type study was designed to collect the data on selected 21 physical fitness test items and the statistical procedure was adopted. With the purposive sampling technique a sample of 216 circle style male kabaddi players was taken from sixteen teams which were qualified for the league stage or qualified for the semifinal of the inter college tournament of selected universities i.e. PU Chandigarh, Pbi.U Patiala, GNDU Amritsar and KU Kurukshetra during the session of 2.017-18. The results were obtained through the SPSS verson 21.0. Factor Analysis technique was applied to develop the Specific Physical Fitness Test Battery of eight test items namely medicine ball throw, dips, 50 meters run, flamingo balance test, shuttle run, ball reaction exercise, 600 meters run and bridge test. A short specific physical fitness test battery of three test items was also constructed. The percentile norms were developed from the whole data.


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