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Bipin Babu Singh


The aim of the present examination was to research the impact of yoga training on muscular strength, muscular perseverance, flexibility and agility of female hockey and basketball players. For this reason, an example of forty female hockey players of age extending from 18 to 25 years were chosen from various schools partnered to Guru Nanak Dev University Amritsar. Further, the subjects were purposively isolated in two gatherings. First gathering, assigned as experimental gathering (N1=20) and the second one as control gathering (N2=20). Every one of the members were educated about the destinations and procedure of this investigation and they volunteered to participate in this experimental examination. The examination was limited to the factors muscular strength, muscular perseverance, flexibility and agility. The aim of this paper is to define yogic practice, anxiety and Perception of the hockey and basketball players. Yoga is a method for living with an aim of a healthy personality in a healthy body. In this view the agents have endeavored to discover the impact of asana on mental factors of Women College players of Hockey and Basketball. For this, achievement players were randomly assigned into two gatherings one experimental and the other, control gathering. Each game comprised of 100 players, and were additionally partitioned into 50 each for experimental and control gathering. Experimental gathering practiced yoga asanas for a time of about a month and a half alongside routine training program. While control gather was not given any mediation, they played out their normal training under the cooperation of their mentor.


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