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Gurpreet Singh

Mohd Imran Dar


Physical Educators have long been concerned with the measurement of Cardio – vascular endurance. This form of endurance involves the continued activity of the entire organism, during which major adjustments of the circulatory and respiratory systems are necessary, as in Running, Hockey, Basketball, Swimming, Football and Handball competitions. Here, endurance is not dependent upon the strength of the muscles involved in the activity but must rely greatly on the affective functioning of the circulatory and respiratory systems. It has very significant value in various games and sports, especially in long distance running in track and field, basketball, football, boxing, handball and other vigorous and long duration games.Harvard step test (short form) is employed to measure the cardio respiratory endurance. Here in this study the modified form of this test was used. It is most simple and easy. The main purpose of this study was to compare the cardio respiratory endurance of inter university and inter college footballers of the Don Bosco College affiliated to Goa university, Goa. It was hypothesized that the cardio respiratory endurance of inter university footballers would be greater than inter college footballers. The total subjects were seventy (35X2=70 college and university level of male footballers ages 18-25 years in two groups). They were regular players of their specific game of Football. They participated in inter university and inter college competition. The data were collected after the Harvard step test in modified short form.


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