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Ms. Kiran


Background The purpose of the study was to investigate the sensomotor coordination through Vienna test system and agility among racquet sports.Method Total 30 racquet Players from badminton, tennis table-tennis were selected were selected as subjects from LNIPE Gwalior. The age of all subjects was 19-25 years. To investigate the sensomotor coordination and agility among racquet players, one way analysis of variance’ was used. sensomotor coordination agility were measured by Vienna test system and 104 shuttle run.Result The analysis of data revealed that significant differences exist among mean of the Sensomotor coordination and agility among badminton, tennis table-tennis players. The study showed quite interesting results as the game of badminton tennis and table-tennis are racquet games and have many skills very similar to each other. The difference lies in the area of the court, the equipment used for play and the time limit of the game. Badminton players have shown better performance in sensomotor coordination and agility due to the above difference and is in line with other studies done by Syed et. al. (2014), Lees (2008) etc. It is concluded that significant difference exists in terms of sensomotor coordination agility between the badminton, tennis table-tennis players and that the badminton players possess better sensomotor coordination agility than the tennis table-tennis players.Conclusion With the limitations of the study it may be concluded that significant difference was found between the means of Badminton, Tennis and Table-tennis players for both, sensomotor coordination as well as for Agility.


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