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Neeraj Sharma

Shafqit Hussain Shah


Proper and comprehensive athletic warm up and cool down proto calls are essential To short-term exercise performance, as well as long term injury prevention and generally health. The warm up and cool down sequences are very beneficial to athletic Performance as the athlete’ stabilities in the sports itself. Proper and systematic warming up and cooling down before and after competitions and training sessions is a very easy way for every sports person to improve their athletic performance. warming up and cooling down exercises play a very effective role in preparing the body for training programmer or competition and assisting in full recovery. when we talk about particularly warming up it means mild, preparatory activity performed Before participating in a sports or exercise. it is one of the best activity fort he Preparation of the sports man to prepare hisher body and mind for the upcoming activity. System active warming up improves blood flow to the heart, help to increase Muscle temperature of the body and also makes muscles more pliable. It’s also helps to the sports men to increase the blood flow to the heart and exercising muscles. on the whole we can say that the activity of warming upon to only prepare the cardio secular system of the sports men for the main activity but it also help to prepare respiratory system, nervous system, and muscular skeletal system for the upcoming physical activity. Warming up prepare the sports men not only physically, it also prepare the sports men, mentally, physiologically, psychological for the upcoming main activity and also helps to minimize threat of injuries which help to improve performance of the sportsman.Cool Down The activity of slowly decreasing the temperature of the body along with decreasing the heart rate and slowly lowering the breath in grate following by some slow intensity and stretching exercise. the primarily aim of cool down is to gradually decrease the body temperature and body return to normal position. When the activity ends, blood pressure decreases due to which sports man feel dizziness or sometimes faint. proper cooling down prevent blood pooling and return the blood back to the heart rather hen to pool in the muscles bring the heart rate back down, gradually. it also help to reduce the blood lactic acids. proper cool down exercise decrease the chance of sudden pooling of blood in extremities and re-circulates blood return to the heart, skeletal muscles and brain. this phase of athlete workout helps prevent muscles stiffness so soreness and also help to prevents post-exercise muscles soreness (also known as delay done set muscles soreness or doms). In this phase the intensity of the exercise should below intensity exercise after vigorous work out and duration should be 10 to 15 minute sufficient which helps the players boring back in a normal position and also helps top repair the body for next activity.


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