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Dr. Shailesh Kumar Singh

Dr. Biswajit Basumatary


The aim of this study is to find out the significant difference of Orientation ability and Differentiation ability between male Volleyball, Basketball and Handball players. A group of thirty-six(N=36) male subject aged between 18-23 years, who participated in inter- university competitions from Lakshmibai national institute of physical education volunteered to participate in this study were selected for this study. The purposive sampling technique was used to attain the objectives of the study. All subject, after having been informed objective of the study, gave their consent and volunteered to participate in this study. They were further divided into three groups of 12 each (i.e., N1=12 Volleyball players, N2=12 Basketball players and N3=12 Handball players). The one-way ANOVA was applied to find out the significant difference of Orientation ability and Differentiation ability between male Volleyball, Basketball and Handball players. To test the hypotheses, level of significance was set at 0.05. The result reveled significant difference between male Volleyball, Basketball and Handball players on the Orientation ability. However insignificant differences were noticed with regard to the Differentiation ability.


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