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Surender Kumar


Professionalism and commercialism ultimately led to corruption. Bribing and cheating became common place, and competitors of this period were reputedly willing to ingest any preparation which might enhance their performance. There is simply too much money involved in national and international level sports today. One needs to understand that the officials in charge of operating sports at the amateur level need world class performance to keep their business rolling forward. The sad thing is that people do not pay to watch loser, and corporations don’t sponsor teams that can’t bring the gold. The athletes and the officials realize this, so they are they are willing to do whatever it takes to win. According to IOC, the use of doping agents in sports is both unhealthy and contrary to the ethics of sports. It is necessary to protect the physical and spiritual health of athletes, the value of fair play and of competition, the integrity and unity of sports, and the right of those who take part in at whatever level. At that time a list of banned substances was released by IOC which included narcotic analgesics and stimulants, which comprised sympathomimetic amines, psychomotor stimulants and miscellaneous central nervous system stimulants.


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