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Ankit .


Infertility is a prevalent problem affecting about 10-12 of the couples worldwide. Infertility refers to the failure to conceive a child even after two or more years of regular unprotected coitus or to carry a pregnancy to full term. There are many causes of infertility such as –obesity, improper diet, smoking, alcohol, infections, environmental pollutants, various medications, lifestyle disorders, stress, family history, endocrinal problems etc. In men, infertility is basically because of less number or poor quality of sperms or any problem in male reproductive system. When fallopian tubes damaged, blocked, proper ovulation does not occur or sperms can’t reach the eggs, then also infertility occurs. Unexplained infertility pertains to those couples who have no physiological pathological anomalies, yet do not conceive. A great many years prior yoga started in India, and in present day and age, a disturbing mindfulness was seen in health and common cures among individuals by yoga and pranayama which has been demonstrated a viable technique for enhancing health notwithstanding counteractive action and management of illnesses. With expanding logical research in yoga, its restorative perspectives are additionally being investigated.


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