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Sijo T. F.


Thirty intercollegiate level male football players were selected from different affiliated colleges of MG University . The selected subject were randomly divided into two group ( 15 in each group). Group one was considered as contrast load Complex Training Group and other one is Considers a Control Group which was not given any training. The variables are endurance and dribbling ability. The intensity for the high load training load training group was increased and decreased alternatively. The training was given 5 days a week for 6 weeks. Pre- test was conducted for all the two group before giving the training and post test was conducted after 6 weeks of contrast load complex training group was increased consistently. The intensity for the Complex load training. The statistical technical used was ANCOVA. The result of the study showed that contrast load complex training improved endurance and dribbling ability, after 6 weeks of training program among the male inter- collegiate football players.


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