Correlations in Soccer Kicking Performance and Anthropometric Facet of University’s Sports Science Players Analyzing the Impact of Anthropometric Characteristics on Soccer Kicking Performance
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Beside physiological, psychological, social, nutrition, training method and, anthropometric characteristics plays a significant role in sports performance. Specific physical characteristic is the prerequisite for better performance in some particular sports. Twenty five sports science male soccer players were recruited for this study. The characteristics of the players are as Age = 20.24 ± 1.20 years, height = 172 ± .5 cm., weight = 63.36 ± 5.02 kg., and BMI = 21.54 ± 1.71 kgm2. All the anthropometric measurements were obtained using standardized procedure. The variables selected for the study under anthropometric measurements were foot length, calf girth, thigh girth, lower leg length, upper leg length, total leg length, and standing height. Two video cameras were used for data collection. Participants execute instep and inside kick with their dominant foot in complete style of kick. Each participant executed two in-step and two in-sidekicks of a stationary ball. Kinovea 0.8.15 software was used to determine the ball velocity and distance. The Pearson correlation and t-test (2-tailed) was applied amongst the anthropometric characteristics and soccer kicks performance of sports science male soccer players. The results of this study revealed that the anthropometric characteristic of lower limb have little effect on determining the instep and inside kick performance of the players. The result also reveals that there is no significant correlation amongst any anthropometric characteristic of instep and inside kick. This evidence should be used by the physical educators, sports scientist, and coaches to mold the players for higher competition.
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