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Asnake Tekalign

Wondimageg Damissie

Tesfaye Demena

Md Babul Akhtar


The purpose of study is to make a survey on the current status of continuous practical assessment in physical education in Borecha woreda secondary and preparatory schools. The format of this study will address five main sections. To achieve the intended objective of this study descriptive research method was used. The collected primary data were analyzed in percentage, mean and standard deviations as well as the qualitative data that collected through interview and observation were analyzed qualitatively with text explanations. A research based discussion continuous practical assessment in physical education was the focus on this section. The last section was summarized the main idea of the study with major findings, possible suggestions and recommendation of the study. The needed data was obtained by means of questionnaires distributed to 9 physical education teachers and 222 students in three secondary and one preparatory school. Interview which was designed for physical education teachers and finally observation was used. The data was analyzed using both quantitatively and qualitatively. Accordingly the research revolved the following results. Mostly schools indicate the following problems large class size, shortage of time, lack of teaching aids, lack of availability of a few or no instructional media, lack of awareness about continuous practical assessment, high teachers class load and the students negative attitude towards subject matter. As the result, it is difficult to practice continuous practical assessment in physical education. Therefore, physical education teachers were not carrying to full fill materials and generally they did not show their commitment. If these problems are to be met forth rightly and directly, then careful planning and study are necessary. If success solutions with successful answers are to be arrived at, cooperative action is desired between physical education teacher and students.


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