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Hari Mohan Sharma

Dr. Akash Tiwari


Descriptive and inferential statistics (t test) were used to make sense of the obtained data(Mean, Standard Deviation, etc.). Gender seems to have a significant role in the development of bothemotional maturity and a will to succeed, as shown by these findings. There was no discernibledifference in sportsmanship between city and rural dwellers. The extent to which a person is self-aware,socially adept, and able to regulate their own and others' emotional responses, as well as apply thisknowledge to their own decision-making and that of their teams, may be indicators of their emotionalintelligence. The author provides a critical evaluation of the present status of the mixed and abilitymodels of emotional intelligence before shifting focus to the link between EQ and openness to newexperiences.


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