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Mr. Dhananjay Kumar

Dr. Pushpendra Purashwani


The Purpose of the study was to compare the selected Physical and Physiological variables of High and Low Performance of Men Table Tennis Players. For the purpose of the study fifteen university (15) and fifteen non-university (15), male table tennis players were selected. Their age was ranged between 18-25 years. The selected physical and physiological variables were BMI (body mass index), flexibility, and Vital Capacity. Flexibility was measured through Sit and Reach Test, BMI was measured through a Bioelectrical Impedance analyzer and vital capacity was measured through Spirometer. The flexibility of the subjects was measured in centimeters. Body Mass Index of subjects was measured latent scores. Vital capacity of the subjects was measured in liters. Mean and standard deviation was used as descriptive statistics and an independent t-test was as a statistical technique in the study. The level of significance was set at 0.05. The result showed no significant difference in Body Mass Index and Flexibility between the university and non-university players but showed a significant difference in Vital Capacity.


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