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Mr. Sanjeev Kumar

Dr. Vinita Bajpai Mishra


The purpose of this study was the estimation of time duration for successful application ofchoke in judo on the basis of decreasing the elbow joint angle. The kinetic variable time was chosen asthe independent variable and the angle between elbow joint , biceps pumped, and forearm, as thedependent variable. Total six boys students of B.P.Ed, studying in LNIPE were chosen as the subject.Their age ranged between 18 to 21years. They were briefed about the objectives of the study after gettingthe consent form signed by their parents. The All India national level participation in JUDO was thedeciding criteria for the identification of sports group. To find out the angle and time, the movement werecaptured by the videography and kinovea 2D software was used. The regression analysis was used as astatistical technique and the data was analyzed by using SPSS. The level of significance was set at 0.05.The result of study shows that biceps pumped and forearm has a direct relation to the angle of the elbowjoint which is responsible for decreasing the time of unconscious.


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