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Rama Nanad

Dr. Vipin Kumar


Numerous properties of nanostructured materials rely upon their sizes. At the nanometer range, the properties of a given material may go amiss essentially from its mass partner because of enormous surface to volume ratio. As a result energizing properties of nanostructured materials can be ended up. Accordingly, specialists are keen on creating nanostructured materials by controlling the size, surface calculation, and usefulness to remove the exceptional properties of the material use. The old style model is Au, which is known as a glossy, yellow, respectable metal. Nonetheless, Au particles in nanometer size are altogether not quite the same as the mass partners 10 nm particles of Au ingest green light and subsequently seem red. The melting temperature diminishes drastically as the size lessens. Additionally, when particles of Au are of 1 nm breadth, they can transform into insulators.2-3 nm nanoparticles of Au are fantastic impetuses which likewise show extensive attraction. One more run of the mill model is photoluminescent semiconductor quantum dabs, for example, CdS with breadths 1-10 nm whose outflow frequency can be tuned by differing the size of the nanocrystals.


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