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Prashant .

Dr. Vinita Bajpai Mishra


An investigationwas done to find the relation between selected kinematic variables and theperformance of uprise on rings in men’s artistic gymnastics.The study was conducted on national-levelgymnasts. The data on angular kinematic variables were collected on four different phases of uprise onrings. Linear kinematic variables were identifiedon two different phases of uprise on rings.The angular kinematic variables did not show any significant relationship at the 0.05 level at theDislocation Phase.Duringthe Vertical Line Cross Phasea significant relationship was found between angle atthe ankle andthe hipangle. InKicking and Pulling Phase angle at the left hip joint and the performance of Uprisehasshown a significant relationship.During the Supporting phase angle at the neck and the performance ofUprisewas showing a significant relationship, and also the angle of the left Wrist correlated significantlywith the angle of the Hip.Results also reveal that none of the linear kinematic variables at different Phases of Uprise showed anysignificant relationship at 0.05 level


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