Effect of visual and auditory perception for the Dribbling and Goal Shooting ofhockey performance in Indore hockey players
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The purpose of the study is to effect of visual and auditory perception for the dribbling andgoal shooting of hockey performance, Indore hockey players. Objectives of the study The objective ofthis study is to analyse the within group improvement in two experimental groups and one control groupon the performance of the field hockeyDribbling and Goal Shooting skill test due to kinaestheticperception drills. Statistical Procedure In this study Descriptive statistics was used for to compare withingroup difference was analysed using paired’‘t’ test and the difference between experimental and controlgroup was using the information studying tools spss- 21 software turned into used.Methodology Thepurpose of this study is to find out to comparative effect of visual and auditory perception Dribbling andGoal Shooting Test drills on the hockey performance. The objective of this study is to analyse the withingroup improvement in two experimental groups and one control group on the performance of the fieldhockey Dribbling and Goal Shooting Test due to kinaesthetic perception drills. The study was select to14 to 18 years of hockey players of Indore district participating at different levels of achievement and whovoluntary opt hockey for their sports period. The study was further defined to the basic skills of Dribblingand Goal Shooting Test, The total number, of subjects forty five (N = 45) subjects from three groups twoexperimental groups and one control groups were selected for the each group equal subjects fifteen (15)for this study age ranged between 14-18 years players of Hockey comprising from Indore district, whovoluntary opt hockey for their sports period. In this study Descriptive statistics was used, the withingroup difference was analysed using paired’ test and the difference between experimental and controlgroup was analysed the data analysing tools SPSS- 21 software was used. The level of significance wasset at 0.05 level.
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