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Brijendra Masram

Dr. Sonu Sharma


The present study deals with the perception of coaches and players towards the success ofTennis players and the role played by the parents. This study provides an insight about the existing statusof parent’s involvement in the development and success of male junior Tennis players in India. The studywill unfold many issues and problems which the coaches and players face while interacting with theparents regarding the Tennis. The research will be also helpful for the coaches to understand the waysby which they can build effective relationship with the players and their parents. The study will bebeneficial to the coaches, Tennis professionals, Tennis associations, aspirant players and parents tounderstand the process of building a Tennis player. The study will help the coaches, players and theparents to achieve the goal of training as well as competitions. The study will ultimately strengthen theprocess of making of a Tennis player. The study will be a reference for future investigation in the area ofthe role of parents in sports


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