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Bhawna Baghel

Nibu R. Krishna


The aim of this study was to compare the mood state between team sports and individualsports among middle aged female athletes. A total number of 289 (n=289) middle aged female athleteswho participated in National Masters championship 2019 competition were recruited in the present study.The participants were asked to answer the Brunel of Mood Scale (BRUMS) one hour prior to thecompetition. Mann-Whitney Test were used to compare the mood state between team and individualsports among middle age female athletes. Result showed that there was a significant difference betweenteam and individual sports on anger (p=.001), confusion (p=.048) and vigor (p=.001), while there is nosignificant difference on depression (p=.067), fatigue (p=.732) and tension (p=.195) among middle agedfemale athletes. Anger is significantly higher in Individual sports as compared to team sports, Teamsports shown significantly lower level of confusion as compared to individual sports, whereas vigor issignificantly higher in individual sports as compared to team sports.


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