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Mr. Aaditya Pramod Ghag

Prof. Rahul B. Kesarkar


Infrastructure Management is a major effort for employers and project managers in manycountries with aging civic infrastructure. Due to the extensive shoot-ups and the disposal of suchinfrastructure and its associated costs it is virtually not easy to replace or cure all structures. There is abuilding to meet the user's time limit. The special purpose of maintenance is to exaggerate the bad life ofthe building through deterioration, decay and failure. Building maintenance management is the complexprocess of planning, directing, managing and managing resources for the livelihood of a building'sfunctional operation. This research focuses on the most important form of management systems andreveals the state of the art. Seen through case studies, it is promising to make clear decisions due tostructural strength monitoring in management systems, which are essential for profit owners strugglingwith limited resources. This paper focus on past research on repair maintenance managementBuildingsare widely expanded in all over the world. So, its repair and maintenance is necessary for the safety,effective and economy of industrial building and as well as workers who are working in it. Maintenanceinvolves operational and functional checks, servicing, repair and replacing of necessary devices,equipment, machinery, building infrastructure, and supporting utilities in industrial business,governmental and residential installation.In Residential building many defects are occurred such as cracks, vegetation, structural cracks in wall,defective flooring, paint, cracks on internal road, improper drainage, gap in shed, improper cutting,cracks in foundation of machine etc. The early stage damage identification and its remedial action on itwill be save the time and cost of user


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