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Prof. Sushma Ghildyal


Background: Body composition and physical status are essential indicators of overall health, especially in middle-aged women. This group often undergoes significant physiological changes due to aging, hormonal shifts, and lifestyle factors, affecting their body composition, including fat mass, lean muscle mass, and bone density.

Methodology: A total of 100 women from Varanasi city, comprising both employed individuals and housewives, participated in this study. These women were divided into two groups, each consisting of 100 subjects aged between 35 and 50 years. The selected variables for body composition analysis included total body fat, fat-free mass, bone mass, muscle mass, body mass index, and physical status.

Results: The t-test for Equality of Means revealed a significant difference between the groups, t(198) = 1.660, with p-values indicating substantial differences in total body fat (p < .001), fat-free mass (p < .001), bone mass (p < .000), muscle mass (p < .001), and body mass index (p < .001). Furthermore, there was a significant difference in physical activity levels, t(198) = 11.714, p < .001).

Conclusion: The study found a considerable difference in body composition parameters between employed women and housewives. Employed women exhibited lower total body fat and BMI, and higher muscle mass, fat-free mass, and bone mass compared to housewives. This suggests that employed women, likely due to more structured schedules and better access to physical exercise, maintain a healthier body composition.


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