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Bujade Aravind Tulashiram

Dr. Vinod Gupta


The research investigates gender bias and societal prejudices in addition to the numerous challenges that these athletes face. Inadequate infrastructure and a lack of support are only two of the other challenges that they face. Even though India is growing more prominent in the international sports arena, cultural standards that favor male players tend to be deeply ingrained that have been passed down through generations. This mixed-method study comprised both quantitative surveys and in-depth interviews, and it was conducted with the participation of female athletes from a wide range of sports. According to the findings, systemic biases present themselves in a variety of ways, including the unequal allocation of resources, a lack of visibility, and weakened financial incentives of various kinds. Additionally, the social stigma that is associated with women's engagement in athletics has a severe impact on both the mental health of women and their ability to maintain a competitive career. The findings of this study indicate the necessity of modifying rules and cultural norms in order to establish a sports environment that is more welcoming to all individuals.


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