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Najru Nisha

Dr. Usha Lohan


The purpose of this study was to find out the relationship between personality and family climatic conditions of female boxers. As we know that, in India our families have a great influence on the female members, which ultimately have an impact on their psychological makeup, and consequently, on their personality development in sports. Eighty (80) state level female boxers were selected as subjects for the study from various Districts of Haryana State, and their age ranged between 13 to 18 years. To find out the relationship between personality and family climatic conditions product moment method of correlation was applied. Sportsman Personality Test Indian adaptation based on C. D. Spielberger Personality Test (SPT-1979) by L. N. Dubey (2000) and family climate scale by Dr. Beena Shah (2006) were used to collect the required data on personality makeup and family conditions of the subjects.It was concluded that there exists a significant relationship between personality and family climatic conditions of female boxing players.


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