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Mr. K. Purnachandar

Mr. B. L. Shekar


Flexibility as one of the component of physical fitness plays a major role in the efficient functioning of the day to day activities of the individuals. Flexibility is required all the age groups and to all the geographical people. Review by Singh (1984), “An improvement in flexibility can result in improvement in athletic performance. An increase in flexibility permits the athlete to exert force over great distance and thereby to generate greater force,” And Gurewitsch and O’Neill (1944) carried out one of the earliest studies on flexibility and found gradual declines in flexibility from 6 to 12 years of age, and then increases through age 18 and Hupprich and Sigerseth (1950) investigated a group of girls 9 to 15 years of age and reported no significant differences among them in six different flexibility test items. However, shoulder, knee, and hip flexion appeared to decrease from 12 years to 15 years of age. Significant of the study is to analysis of flexibility among tribal and non-tribal high school boys of Karnataka. It was hypothesis that tribal boys may be superior than non-tribal boys in Flexibility, variable selected was delimited to flexibility (only Hip, Ankle and Dynamic) and result stated that Most of the flexibility test, tribal boys were found superior than non-tribal boys and study recommended that tribal boys may be selected to undergo training in those events where flexibility is a determining factor.


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