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Miss. Gangavva G. Danappanavar

Dr. N. Chandrappa


Improving the health of children is one of the most responsibilities among many in the fight against poverty. Healthy children become healthy adults, people who create better lives for themselves, their communities and their countries. Improving the health of the world's children is a core UNICEF objective. Since our founding, we have made significant progress in immunization, improving child health with community-based treatments diarrhea, pneumonia and malaria, improving access to quality care for newborns and pregnant women, child health in emergency settings, and strengthening health systems to better serve the needs of women and children. Healthy and consistent nutrition is a huge part, but without exercise you aren’t able to achieve the actual body shape you want. Calorie restriction without effective exercise will just leave you in a saggy human shell, you simply go from being overweight to being a skinny fat person. Exercise is the only way to truly shape and sculpt your body into a masterpiece.The conclusion can be drawn that involvement in regular and practices of varied nature of physical activities leads to develop all round personality among the practitioners and makes improvement in working nature of body condition.


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