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Kalavati Poti

Dr. K. P. Martin


Pranayama is really a technical procedure and we must understand the purpose and the technique properly before we start to practice. The Hatha yoga texts say: “if Pranayama is properly and judiciously done .we can remove all the abnormalities, all the abnormal functions of the body, but if it is done injudiciously, it is inevitable that all kinds of abnormalities arise”. So Pranayama must be practiced with great care and, in the beginning, at any rate, the breath-holding phased must be avoided until one is ready. As a result of this, the volume of the thorax decreases. Because this decreased pressure is then less than the atmospheric pressure, the air is drawn into the lungs. When the pressure equalizes and the thorax does not expand any more, there is pause. So these are the phases of normal breathing. The control of prana through the concentration of thought and regular breathing is called ‘Pranayama’ It is through pranayama that each part of the body can be filled with prana.once one is capable of performing it , one is master of the body and can dominate illness and suffering. Prana is accumulated where our mind is concentrated.


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