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Muralidhar M. P.


To achieve the purpose of finding out the relationship between body composition and physical fitness of male physical education teacher trainees, fifty six (N=56), male students ranging in age between 20-26 years who were undergoing B. P. Ed., course in the Department of Studies in Physical Education and Sports Sciences, University of Mysore, were drawn as subjects. The sample of subjects selected for the present study were tested and measured for physical fitness and body composition. Body mass index (BMI) was measured and calculated for each subject. The physical fitness test battery that consisted of five items, viz., 50 mts dash ( to measure speed); Bent knee sit-ups (to measure abdominal strength and endurance); 9 min Run / walk (to measure cardio vascular endurance); Squat thrust (to measure agility, coordinative ability); Pushups (to measure strength and endurance) was administered to the selected subjects. Body composition scores as measured by BMI for each subjects and performance scores of each subject in 5 different items of the test battery (y1, y2, y3, y4 and y5) were in numerical form, which represented the data for the present study. The data in respect of the independent variable and dependent variables were statistically analyzed through computation of correlation coefficient. The statistical analysis of data has revealed that,•Body composition was not significantly related to any of the five physical fitness variables, 50 mts dash, Bent knee Sit ups, 9 min Run / walk, Squat thrust and Pushups. That is body composition and physical fitness was independent of each other.•Body composition was not significantly related to speed, abdominal strength, strength endurance, agility, cardiovascular fitness.


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