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Surender Kumar

Dr. Ramesh Kumar


The procedure of development of individual from earliest stages to development is education. In the process he responds and interacts with his social, otherworldly and physical condition. Education in the wide sense, mean groundwork for life and all round development of the Person. In this way education is cognizance, procurement of information, healthy frames of mind and profound and moral qualities. Physical education programs are identified with the educational destinations. The necessities of the physical are inseparably identified with the activities of the psychological. Development doesn't occur without something happening to character and social conduct. Physical education through important physical activities and it is a basic part of the general education. Physical Education program holds a significant spot in modem education system. All round development of different parts of character physical mental, passionate and social is beyond the realm of imagination without it. In the majority of the collages Physical Education is given a prime significance. It is particularly fundamental to design an unmistakable program of Physical Education in the start of the session and afterward execute it successfully in a composed manner in the collages.


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