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Daniel Getnet Admit


Human resource management can be described as a strategic, integrated and coherent approach to the employment, development and well-being of the people working in organizations. It has a strong conceptual basis drawn from the behavioral sciences and from strategic management, human capital and industrial relations theories. This foundation has been built with the help of a multitude of research projects (Armstrong, 2010). The present study attempts to investigate the impact of sport expert’s management for sport development in Amhara region, Ethiopia. To achieve the stated purpose, the researcher used cross sectional descriptive survey was conducted among 108 sport experts. A head delivered 42 standardized and 7 self administered questioners were used to collect data. SPSS version 23 was used for data entry and analysis. To check its Pearson correlation statistical and multiple liners regression analysis was applied p, 95. The results indicate that human resource management practices selection and hiring, working condition, performance appraisal, reward system, and employees training have low and not satisfactory which means, it did not allow to work with full potential, even if r= (.308, .411, .502, .638, .505) a significant positive correlation respectively, the model fit impact on independent variables contribute 46.2 towards change in the dependent variable and the single effect of each predictors indicated that hiring and selection, appraisal and employee training were B= -.008, B=.081, B=-.053, respectively. Working condition and reward B=.126 and B= .616. Meanwhile, the researcher confirmed through multiple regression each human resources function predict the potential for sports development and in the result, the working condition and reward system has a significant effect on sports development. On the other hand, performance appraisal and employees training have shown insignificant role and remain major challenges for the development of the Amhara region, Sport in Ethiopia. Furthermore the researchers recommend that the office should design and exercise a sound human resource management structure helps for the development of sport.


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