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Dr. Parth Trivedi

R. Arunachalam

K. Vaittianandane


Objective To find the efficacy of plyometric exercises in lateral epicondylitisClinical Features Lateral epicondylitis also known as tennis elbow is characterised by pain over lateral epicondyle of the humerus during active wrist extension or passive wrist flexion.Intervention and Outcome The main intervention in this case involved plyometric exercises for wrist extensors along with conventional physiotherapy which included pulsed ultrsound therapy for 4 weeks. The treatment goal was to reduce inflammation, pain and restore wrist extensor muscle strength to avoid reccurence.The treatment outcome was measured by 11 point Numerical Pain Rating scale, hand grip strength, functional score (Patient Rated Tennis Elbow Evaluation-PRTEE) and amplitude analysis by electromyograph(EMG). All the outcome measures were taken and analysed at baseline and after end of treatment.Conclusion Combination of conventional physiotherapy which included pulsed ultrasound therapy along with plyometric exercises had promising result in rehabilitation of lateral epicondylitis and thus allowing return to work and play as qucikly as possible.


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