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Sujith Prabhakar


This examination was directed to structure a test for fielding ability in the game Softball. 220 male junior softball players from different locale of Kerala inside the age group of 15 to 19 years were picked as subjects for this test. Point of the test was to check the ability of the subjects to gather a softball with fielding glove and execute controlled throws to a target from a specific separation. This test was then checked for its reliability and objectivity. Test was named as Wall Fielding test. Data was gathered with the assistance of expert testers. A sum of 120 male junior softball players of Kerala state who took an interest in the state championship directed by the Kerala State Softball Association were chosen as subjects for dissecting reliability and a sum of 220 for examining objectivity. The principle goal of the examination was to foresee the performance of a player by the level of skills had. Intra Class Correlation Coefficient with Two-way irregular impact ANOVA model was utilized to gauge the reliability and objectivity of this test. Rehashed trials were led by a similar tester to break down the reliability and rehashed trials by two distinct testers at comparative conditions on similar subjects were led for deciding the objectivity. A reliability coefficient of 0.959 and Objectivity coefficient of 0.952 was gotten.


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