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Aswathy V.


The purpose of this study was to compare hand grip strength with hand anthropometric variables of inter-university level Softball and Hockey players. The study included 30 inter university female Softball (15) and Hockey (15) players aged 18–25 years. Methods A total of 11 anthropometric variables and 2 strength variables (Grip strength left, Grip strength right) were selected for the study.The data were collected using standard anthropometric equipment (Gulic tape, sliding caliper, skin fold caliper, and grip dynamometer) which were supplied by reputed Indian and foreign companies and used in the sports science laboratory of Lakshmibai National College of Physical Education. Results All the two groups showed significant differences on their arm measurements and grip strength variables. The findings of the present study indicated that the grip strength of softball players showed the closest relationship with the arm measurements compared to hockey players. Conclusion It may be concluded that the grip strength of University level women softball players had significant relationship with most of their arm measurements.


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