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Hari Mohan Sharma

Dr. Akash Tiwari


Understanding and controlling one's own emotions, as well as those of oneself and others, arekey components of emotional intelligence. Sports are able to arouse powerful emotions due to theircompetitive character. The importance of emotions in sports achievement cannot be overstated.Emotional intelligence may be a key to success for both athletes and coaches. Some mental aspects havebeen shown to be associated with improved athletic performance. There are several factors that peoplefeel contribute to sporting success. Athlete success or failure often comes down to a single aspect, andthat factor is locus of control. The capacity to do exceptionally well in a certain game is an example of aninternal locus of control. Those who put their faith on external factors like God, destiny, or chance todetermine their success on the field are said to have an external locus of control. Therefore, it is assumedthat locus of control is a significant mental role in athletic performance.


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