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Dr. Dhruv Bhalla

Dr. Vijay Francis Peter


The present study intended to find out the difference between attitude towards physicaleducation and games and sports in higher secondary and higher education students of Indore city. 200students of higher secondary and 200 students higher education was selected as the subject for presentstudy. The criterion measure for the testing hypothesis in this study is the total scores obtained in thequestionnaire. The subjects were instructed to mark the content of each item according to the requiredquestions .there was no time limit for the completion of the questionnaire but the subject was instructednot to consider longing over any statement and responding all the statement in the test independently. Toknow the attitude of the higher secondary and higher education students towards physical educationgames and sports, 27 questions were selected for questionnaire in which most questions were foundhaving positive attitude of students towards physical education games and sports. Out of 27 questionitems, in 16 question items the higher education students were found to be more positive towardsphysical education games and sports as compare to higher secondary students. Further in 10 questionitems higher secondary students were found to be more positive towards physical education games andsports as compare to that of higher education students in one item the attitude of the higher educationand higher secondary students towards physical education games and sports were found to be equal.


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