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Uday Sankar Banerjee

Dr. Bibhuti Bhusan Mishra


Both the daily practise of yoga and engaging in regular physical exercise are essentialcomponents of a healthy way of life. In order to address the challenges to one's health and physical wellbeingthat are brought on by sedentary and post-modern lifestyles, the implementation of such measureshas become inescapable and absolutely necessary. The way in which kids are cared for has a directbearing on the manner in which their personalities develop in all aspects. The social development,psychological growth, and maybe even the physical development of a person will all play a role in thesuccesses that person will achieve in the future. There is a one-to-one relationship between the numberof young, productive people a country has and its rate of economic development. It is impossible torealise completeness in a young person's life without attending to their overall development asyoungsters. It is essential to keep in mind that physically active pursuits such as running and yoga play akey role in ensuring that children and teenagers develop healthy bodies. Activities such as athletics andyoga are not only excellent for the development of children's bodies, but they are also beneficial for thedevelopment of children's minds, and children's minds assist in the growth of children cognitively andintellectually.


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